☹️ In DI: Sweden is hurt by AI pessimists
Generative AI will be as important as the internet. For Sweden to benefit from it, we must stop producing world-leading AI pessimists and instead find the AI evangelists.

I write in Dagens Industri, Sweden's largest business newspaper, about Sweden's world-leading AI pessimists:
"Sweden has produced two of the world's foremost AI pessimists, Max Tegmark and Nick Bostrom. Together, they have likely done more damage to AI development than any other duo in the world, making Swedes particularly fearful. Now, it's time for a change. In the 90s, the world talked about the Swedish IT miracle. We can get there again, but we need to start producing world-leading AI optimists, instead of doom prophets."
Sverige skadas av AI-pessimisterna
DEBATT: Den senaste vågen med generativ AI kommer bli lika betydelsefull som internet. Det land som är först med att brett anamma den nya tekniken kommer skörda frukterna av det under lång tid. Sverige måste sluta producera världsledande domedagsprofeter och istället hitta och lyfta fram AI-evangelisterna, skriver AI-experten Mathias Sundin.